Hangul: A Language Recognized Worldwide대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-05-03 10:41:40

If you are a Korean, you use Hangul every day. Everyone knows that Hangul is excellent and scientific. So, how much do you know about Hangul? Let us find out some parts that we do not know much about Hangul.

▲ korean

There are more than 7,000 languages that mankind has used so far. There are only about 300 different types of characters that expressed those languages. Among them, only 28 are in use so far. Among these is Hangul. It is a simple reminder of the great heritage of the country where it comes from. Hangul, in particular, is a complete creation and the only one which exact date of creation has been revealed. The king who created this writing system contained the spirit of self-reliance, compassion, and practicality for the people. The whole world recognizes the excellence of Hangul.

▲ foreigns who learn korean

Among the nicknames given to the Korean writing system by foreign linguists is "Morning Letter". It is because Hangul is easy enough to learn in one day. Hangul is very impressive and easy to learn because the letters are modeled after the shape of the mouth or pronunciation. It is not easy to learn Korean, but anyone can learn Hangul easily. This is what Sasseh, a professor at Hamburg University in Germany and Sonja, and a professor at Wembolt University, said. In recognition of the excellence of Hangul, UNESCO named the statue of King Sejong "King Sejong's Discipline Award for Literacy," which is given to those who have made a great contribution to breaking letters.

▲ BTS, famous idol of k-pop

These days, Hangul is spreading out to the world. Koreans are thankful to Youtube, video calls and mobile applications because the Korean writing system is being taught in places far away from its native land. On DuoLingo, A hugely popular free language-learning application with over 300 million users worldwide, almost 3.3 million people are taking the Korean course. Also, K-pop and Korean TV dramas are behind the far-flung popularity of Korean, which is hardly spoken outside this small peninsula now jutting out to Asia's the Far East.

April 7th, 2019

by Lim Hyun-woo


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