Famous Cherry Blossoms Festivals in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-30 09:23:13

There are eleven big cherry blossoms festivals in South Korea, and now, most of them are being held. Among them, Jinhae Gunhang Cherry Blossoms Festival, Hwagae Cherry Blossoms Festival, and Gyeongj-si Cherry Blossoms Festival are the three biggest festivals in South Korea.

The first festival is Jinhae Gunhang Cherry Blossoms Festival. It is the biggest festival in South Korea, and there are 360 thousands of cherries. It will be opened from April 1st to April 10th. This year is the 57th anniversary. There is a cherry blossoms tunnel, with 1.5 kilometers of Yeojwa Stream and 800 meters of Gyeonghwa Station Railroad. Many activities are prepared, too. For instance, Gukak Festival is one of them. The Naval University does not open at other times, but in this period, it will be opened to the public, and people can watch the Turtle Ship. At night, there will be Cherry Blossoms Eve.

▲ Jinhae Gunhang Cherry Blossoms Festival Promotion Picture

The second biggest festival is Hwagae Cherry Blossoms Festival. It opens from March 29th to March 31st. It is opened in Hwagae-myeon. People can drive and walk the Seomjin Stream to Hwagae Stream. It is about 25 kilometers long. There will be fireworks and Cherry Blossoms Song Festival, too.

▲ Hwagae Cherry Blossoms Festival Promotion Picture

The last festival is Gyeongju-si Cherry Blossoms Festival. It will be taken place in Gyeonju Historic Area including Cheomseongdae. It will be opened from April 3rd to April 7t

h. Many singers will participate in the Cherry Blossoms concert and Busking Festival. There will be also Hwajeon Playing and Athletics competition.

▲ Gyeongju-si Cherry Blossoms Festival Promotion Poster

Everyone can participate in these festivals and look around for free. If the weather is windy or raining, the cherry blossoms flowers will be fallen. Therefore, you have to check the weather forecast and go there before every cherry blossoms flower is being fallen.

April 6th, 2019

By An Jeong-hwan


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