Understanding and Argument About an Increasing Rate of Foreign Students대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-30 11:13:42

Today, a number of students fight each other on the entrance examination. Universities just focus and establish their plan for foreign students because South Korea has already been buildings a culture that recognizes prestigious universities. Thus, the high rate of foreign students including proportion is not good news to Korean students, and this is a sensitive social issue.

▲ sky castle

According to the KESS research findings, there are prestigious universities that have a high rate of international students. There are 5579 foreigners in Kyung Hee University, 5412 foreigners in Goryeo and others include a lot of foreign students that we have heard about. Because of the rate of foreign students, Korean students feel relative deprivation and anxiety. For example, the TV show, "Sky castle", shows students fierce efforts and situation.

▲ useful survice for students

If we look around nearby universities, we can see cultural space and comfortable service. Korean government spends a lot of money for foreign students, such as in communication service, direction guidance, and financial support. According to Mung Suk Oh, a professor, "We still find a method of foreign students' growth and an extra method". Through their efforts, foreign students have comfortable service. Also, they feel Korean library service is helpful for them.

Most of the students have a similar concern. However, finance is always a common problem. However, Korean students raise that it is an unfair service between them and international students. If the Korean students go to study abroad, they should get various certificates and do the test for foreign language. On the other hand, the government suggests that foreign students need not have this problem, but it excepts in special circumstances. They feel their government is so generous only to foreigners.

▲ Han Sung University`s international student

We can connect with other people easily and can be called as an "international society". Thus we fight with perspective. Understanding posture is really important to economic growth but critical perspective is also essential.

April 6th, 2019

by 제서연


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