The Legend of Figure Skating, Queen Yeon-ah대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-01 09:56:02

Yeon-ah Kim is the best figure player in the South Korean national team. She has so many achievements in figure skating. Also, she was once selected as one of the 100 most influential people around the world according to Times Magazine. Because of her achievements, she is called Queen Yeon-ah.

During her childhood, Yeon-ah Kim was already talented in figure skating. So, she got prizes in junior world contest. Then, she was selected as a member of the national team in 2003. Then, she participated in a lot of contest. She got the third prize in ISU World Championship. Also, she got the first prize in the Cup in China and Russia. She got over 30 prizes in World Championships.

▲ She was skating her last contest before she retired.

Then, Yeon-ah Kim got the second prize in her last contest. The judgment was a little strange. However, she accepted it, and she felt relieved. She said that she hoped there would be skaters after her retirement. She retired in 2014. After she retired, she became an honorary ambassador in PyeongChang Winter Olympics. She guested in American broadcasting, too. Like this, she presented South Korea all around the world.

▲ She is explaining about The Winter Games in PyeongChang.

According to Sports W interview, Yeon-ah Kim said that when became a member of the national team, she participated in many contests, and she got a lot of prizes. She did not have a longing for it now, and she wanted to teach figure skating to a lot of students. Also, she hoped they would become one of the best figure players in the world. After she retired, She taught students about figure skating and contributed in many ways.

Yeon-ah Kim is talented in figure skating because she worked hard a lot. After she became a figure skating national player, she got a lot of prizes in the contests. After she retired in 2014, she became an honorary ambassador and taught junior figure skaters.


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