A School Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-30 12:18:08

Do you know about renewable energy? In Munsu Elementary School, they had a project about renewable energy. This project's title was "What Is the Renewable Energy". The purpose of this project was improving presentation skills and growing up the students' eco-awareness.0\

First, students who participated in the project chose a team, design team or presentation team. Presentation team made PPT for a presentation in an auditorium and made a logo to stick to the signs and fan which is made by the design team. The logo was "Use solar, save the polar".

▲ students made their own logo to present about renewable energy

In the design team, they made signs and fans that said, "Save the Polar bears", and "Our houses are melting." For two weeks, they prepared a lot of things to present in the auditorium. On the day of the presentation, every student who participated in the project gathered in the auditorium and presented their prepared presentation and sign and fan. Also, they went to other class's booths and judged other students' presentations.

▲ student made PPT themselves and present with other class

In an Interview with design team of the grade six class one, Park Ye Jin said that with making fans and signs, I felt that we have to use renewable energy and save our precious energy". In another interview with the presentation team of grade six class one, Lee Jun Eung said that the presentation was hard but he was glad because he felt his presentation skills grow up because of this project. Like the interview, many students thought that energy is priceless, and they have to use renewable energy. In a survey with the students who participated in this project, 90 percent of students in the survey said that to do this enjoyable presentation, they learned a lot about renewable energy and good presentation skills. With this as momentum, many schools will do this project next year.

In conclusion, many students learned a lot with this project and were satisfied with their project. The effect of this project was many students in Munsu Elementary School improved their presentation skills and their eco-awareness.


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