The Start of a Happy New School Year대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-17 17:56:41

March is a month of anticipation and excitement for a new environment, and at the same time is a month of psychological anxiety. Especially students can feel more awkward and burdensome in March since everything such as teachers, friends, classroom, changes. In fact, one out of every two teenagers in Korea finds it hard to adapt to the unfamiliar environment and show abnormal symptoms.

▲ students on their way to school

We call this 'new semester syndrome'. It's a symptom due to a lot of stress in the new semester and adapting to the new environment. It is accompanied by symptoms such as rejection of school, headache or stomachache, lethargy, and sleep disorders. According to the 'Central Center for the Prevention of Suicide', if more than 5 of the 8 items below are true, it's highly suspected as a 'new semester syndrome'.
1. Gets angry easily
2. Don't want to talk about school.
3. Has a hard time getting up in the morning.
4. Eats less or Rejects eating.
5. Feels tired than usual.
6. Refuses to go to school
7. Headache or stomachache
8. Nervous about things that will never happen.
The 'new semester syndrome' is not a serious disease but is something that can make students and their parents annoyed.

▲ student struggling with the new semester syndrome

Then, how can we overcome the 'new semester syndrome'? To overcome this syndrome, the role of people around the student is important. It needs a careful approach from somebody believable. Somebody needs to know what the student is afraid of in school and has to sympathize that it is hard to adapt and help build confidence. Paying attention to worries and thinking about solutions together can also help.

▲ happy school days

To enjoy a happy new school year, the start of the year will be very important to. I believe every student can overcome the 'new semester syndrome' and I wish every student a good start!

March 3rd, 2019 by Lee Hyowon


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