School Project About 4th Industrial Revolution 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-04-17 17:49:31

Have you ever done a school project? If you were born in 2005 or later than 2005, you might have done a school project. In Gulhwa Elementary School, there are some projects about the 4th Industrial Revolution. There are advantages to the 4th Industrial Revolution project. First, the students can learn more information and details about the 4th Industrial Revolution. To present the project, the students have to search and learn about the 4th Industrial Revolution so that they can learn more about it. Second, by presenting their project by themselves, the students can promote their leadership and presentation ability.

▲ 4th Industrial Revolution project helps us to promote our many abilities.

Do you know how students present their project? They present it like this way. First, they make a video or presentation of data. Second, they discuss their data and details about the 4th Industrial Revolution in front of the audiences. According to an interview with a Gulhwa Elementary School sixth grade student named Donghee Kim who did a school project in his class about the 4th Industrial Revolution, she said that she thought that there were many similar ideas about the 4th Industrial Revolution. On the other hand, there were various ideas about the 4th Industrial Revolution from other students. At that time, she was surprised and for her, it was a very exciting and interesting presentation she had ever undergone.

▲ The students present each student`s project.

Let us know more about the project making about the 4th Industrial Revolution in detail. To survive in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era, the students and children have to learn about coding and using computers more than any other subjects. It is very good and useful for the future. Thus, there is an example of the AI in real life. Today, there is a Chinese AI announcer. Chinese devised the AI announcer to report News, and she speaks English very fluently.

Like that, it is so important to know about coding and using computers in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era. There is an expert's opinion about the project class 4th Industrial Revolution. In a book titled "Project Class About 4th Industrial Revolution, Makes this Class Important", which was written by Hyunjeong Lee, she said that the project class will be very important in the future. With its many advantages, the government needs to support the project class.


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