Increasing Cheongwadae Petition by Fine Dust - \"Reconsider the Phase-out of Nuclear Power Plant\" 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-30 11:39:00

"What did Cheongwadae do when the fine dust was really bad? I am more upset about the fine dust response emergency report."

"To reduce the rate of coal-burning power generation, I believe it is necessary to modify the policy of the phase-out of nuclear power plant."

As fine dust's severity as the national disaster continues, Cheongwa

▲ Severe Fine Dust
dae Petition, people's message boards at the presidential office of Cheongwadae are voicing anger over the government's incompetence. Suspicions have been raised that the government's excessive policy of the phase-out of the nuclear power plant has increased fine dust.

More than 2,700 petitions have been written on the board of the Cheongwadae Petition under the keyword "fine dust." The number of those is 27% of 9743 petitions related to a fine dust that have been uploaded since the bulletin board of the people's petition began to operate. In addition, 48 petitions have been filed under the keyword "the phase-out of nuclear power plant", and most of them have suggested fine dust as the main topic and have insisted on reconsidering the policy of the phase-out of the nuclear power plant.

▲ Nuclear Power Plants

The petition for fine dust has led to calls for a withdrawal of the policy of the phase-out of the nuclear power plant. In fact, the operation rate of nuclear power plants has decreased since the government's policy on the phase-out of the nuclear power plant, but the operation rate of coal-fired power has increased. Also, experts point out that the government's solutions to cope with fine dust are not effective. Many people are waiting for the government's response against the severe fine dust.

March 17th, 2019

By Kim Hyeon


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