South Korea‘s Air Is in Danger대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-30 11:18:00

These days, when we go out, we can see the serious air conditioning. So, people usually wear a mask to protect their health from the dust. It is very dangerous to people's health, industries, and crops. Its size is smaller than ten micrometers. So, it can enter anywhere to our body. However, people cannot see the fine dust entering their body, so many are suffering from breathing difficulty and lung diseases. Sometimes, people who already have a serious respiratory disease may not live longer. Fine dust is very dangerous to people's health due to serious air pollution.

▲ the picture of the air pollution

Fine dust originates in the deserts where high-speed surface winds and intense dust storms are carried eastward by prevailing winds that pass over to some countries including South Korea. Fine dust also exists around the road and industrial complex. People in South Korea are scared of it. Its size is very small, so we cannot see its particles. Because of its size, it can enter people's body especially in the lungs. Anyone who is exposed to a high-level of dust inhaled may be affected and will suffer from respiratory disorder. So, when the air contains fine dust, the government recommends patients with the respiratory disorder. pregnant women, and children not to go outside.

▲ the picture of people wearing mask

Then, how can we prevent our bodies from fine dust? First, we have to wear a mask when we go out. Fine dust contains small particles. so it can easily enter throughout mouth and nose. When we wear a mask. we can be protected from fine dust. Second, washing our body is important. When we go out, the dust sticks to our body. However, we cannot recognize the dust, so we tend to wash our body. It is very important to prevent our body from fine dust.

▲ the picture of washing hands

Then, how can we prevent our bodies from fine dust? First, we have to wear a mask when we go out. Fine dust contains small particles. so it can easily enter throughout mouth and nose. When we wear a mask. we can be protected from fine dust. Second, washing our body is important. When we go out, the dust sticks to our body. However, we cannot recognize the dust, so we tend to wash our body. It is very important to prevent our body from fine dust.

March 17th, 2019

by Hwang Sebin


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