\"Very Bad\" Level of Fine Dust in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-27 12:42:42
  • 수정 2019-04-17 17:45:17

Today, our country South Korea becomes more advanced and professional. However, people only

focused on its development and this causes various environmental problems like winter becoming spring in March. Currently, having ultrafine dust levels in a serious problem all over the country.

▲ fine dust

The fine dust level is on rising, At about 3 o'clock on March 3, eight regions ranked the "very bad" level on

air the pollution information list and almost all the regions stay on"bad" level. This result shows that we still need to wear a mask, we should be careful when we go outside especially during the daytime. Currently, most of the people are concerned about this issue.

Some people said that children could not play on weekends because of fine dust. According to the National Institute of Environment Sciences findings, not only the metropolitan area but also overall South Korea

has a fine dust level rank on the "very bad" stage. Without Busan and Ulsan, almost all regions need a special coping method. The reasons why we should be careful because of fine dust are simple.

▲ this picture describes our trachea with fine dust

First of all, when we breathe, the air passes through our trachea. Our body is so intricate. If one part of our body does not function well, the other systems cannot smoothly operate. Especially, the air can easily pass through our nose and mouth that will travel at our trachea. Thus, we should be careful about the fine dust because the finest dust particles attack and tickle our trachea.

Also, it is connected our neat. So, the fine dust can penetrate to the blood vessels through pulmonary cannons and can cause inflammation, which in this process can lead to angina and stroke. In particular, older people with cardiovascular disease can suffer from the poor exchange of oxygen when fine dust builds up.

▲ planting trees

There is always a defect in one's qualities. All the people and the government can have a comfortable life, but we have a big responsibility and we take care of the environment.

March 2nd, 2019 by 제서연


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