China has an thinking of disarmament대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-13 13:55:59

 Being interested in military problems today, many countries have kept each other in check for several years. And China-related there every time. It is true that they were related in that, but There was a good reason for that. There was a good reason for that. According to China's political system, the Chinese Communist Party, China's military belongs to the Chinese Communist Party. Because the Chinese military, the Chinese's Liberation Army is at the center of China management. Therefore, we had to train our troops to keep China's way of operating. Next, it is because it has a large piece of land. China is as big as the world's fourth largest country. And we had to have a strong army to solve the border and domestic problems that took place on large land. Finally, it is to solve the territorial problem between neighboring countries (Philippines, Vietnam, etc.) due to the South China Sea. Because we have to prepare for the war that can happen due to territorial issues. 

 For this reason, They must have a strong military. If UN member states offer a solution to this problem, we will implement disarmament. First, we ask for help to transform the communist country into a democratic state. This does not mean abandoning the Communist Party's color, but it means taking a step toward democracy. It also seeks assistance in negotiations to resolve conflicts with minorities in China, such as Tibet. And we propose to proceed with negotiations with countries in conflict over the territorial rights of the South China Sea from a neutral perspective.  

 If UN accepts and helps implement these proposals, it will also seek peace through efforts for disarmament and negotiations with nuclear-armed nations. First of all, I will not move my troops in China. If I have to move the army, I will ask for consent and move the army. Secondly, outside of China, I will persuade countries around China to implement disarmament as well. China would say if it worked out as scheduled. "Let's hope these efforts will bring peace to the world."


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