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기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-13 13:25:11

 Feminism, the theory of women's rights and gender equality, is one of the controversial issues in the world. Polar feminists' behavior and discrimination are becoming a major social issue. As we can see in this case, women’s rights became important for world peace. So most of the developed countries in the world are making efforts to strengthen women's rights by creating policies related to women’s rights. If so, how is Germany, one of the most developed countries in Europe, responding to women's rights?

 Germany was one of the European countries that had the lowest women’s rights in Europe. In western Germany, the majority of mothers are struggling to find work and provide for their families, because of social prejudice. Working mothers are viewed as unfit parents. Therefore they have proposed a law (find the specific law) to allow mothers to work, however, it was rejected by the civic organizations. Angela Merkel, the prime minister of Germany, said "German government will support all of the policies that help women's rights." in BBC interview. Then, she actually did what she said. 

 Germany pushed lots of policies that are related to the women’s right. One of them was to mandate the largest companies in Germany to hold 30 percent of all supervisory posts for women, and to require companies to disclose what wages women and men of the same rank are paid. And these were really effective. Now Germany has been ranked 14th in the 2018 Gender Inequality Index, and still Germany making a lot of efforts to improve the women’s rights.

 We can explain Germany’s case with the German proverb “Anyone who does the efforts can go from bottom to top” Germany made lots of efforts to improve the women’s rights, and they actually did. The German women’s rights were low ranked, but now they are among the highest in developed countries. So, if the whole country in the world made the effort, women’s rights worldwide will be more improved.


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