Pakistan‘s efforts to discriminate against women대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-13 13:21:43

 Today, the women's problem in Pakistan is getting serious. But parkistan is the world's fifth most populous country and the second largest South Asian country. Countless women are struggling in society and killing themselves or struggling. We defended Pakistan to investigate the problems of discrimination against women, the solutions, the efforts of the United Nations to solve them. Pakistan founded the Orat Foundation to solve this problem. The foundation was founded in 1986 to take care of Pakistan and create awareness and commitment for a democratic society. Women should be treated the same as men and women in this society have the right to live with dignity. However, it was adopted by the United Nations on this issue. The U.N. made Women's Day and also made safe transportation for women. 

 In addition to the Women's Day and the means of transportation in the United Nations, Pakistan has even shown its efforts to strengthen the law in the New Delhi bus incident. We're talking about women in Pakistan, and the solution that we're proposing is that we have to educate women as a duty in institutions and in our work lives. feel a lot at this mock U.N. convention. I knew whether women's problems in many countries were serious, and it was good to have an important opportunity to think about discrimination against women.

by Yong Beom Kwon


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