Finding the Peace with Young Delegates in Pyeongchang대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-13 13:18:55

 2019 Youth Model United Nations was held on February 8 to 9. About 80 students from South Korea and China participated in this event. They shared their ideas in three separated sessions, UNEA (Peace and Ecology and Environment), ECOSOC (Peace and Gender Equality), and UNSC (Peace and Disarmament).

The Youth Model United Nations was progressed in two days. On the first day, they had four sections, opening ceremony, and the first, second, and third conference sessions. During the first conference session, all teams announced their position paper. At the second one, they prepared for question and answer, and they did QnA at the third conference session. On the second day, students presented their resolution paper for each team. After that, they had an awarding ceremony, and they participated in Pyeongchang Global Peace Forum 2019.

 At the awarding ceremony, six teams got a reward in each session, three teams for excellent prizes, two teams for first prizes, and one team for the grand prize. A delegate of Bangladesh of UNEA, who got the excellent prizes said that they had prepared a lot of information about Bangladesh, and he was glad that other delegates of 2019 Youth Model United Nations accepted their requests for help positively. Moreover, she said that she was very happy because she won the prize at this MUN.

A lot of model united nations are holding these days for students. If you are interested in this event, you can be one of the delegates by participating in other MUN someday.


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