Making World Peace in Pyeongchang 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-13 13:16:01

 On February 7th, in Pyeongchang, there held the youth model united nations. There were young delegates in each session, and they discussed world peace. One of the countries, Canada has been having PKO which means "Peace Keeping Organization". The agenda of Canada was about keeping the world peace, and about military bases.

Canada is now a supporter of multiculturalism and is recognized worldwide as a multicultural country. To this day, Canada continues to accept immigrants and refugees at an increasing rate each year. Also, it is actively engaging in peacekeeping activities of the United Nations. United Nations' peacekeeping movement is one of the most important activities for the Canadian people and the government. They also practice multiculturalism. This activity is considered as part of Canada's important national heritage and is a reflection of the fundamental beliefs of the Canadian people. It is also an important component of Canada's foreign policy. The concept of the PKO was formed by the suggestion of the Canadian Foreign Minister in 1956, and Canada has been playing a leading role in the peacekeeping efforts of the United Nations since then.

 Canada has always been a supporter of the United Nations and its peacekeeping efforts. It has also long supported the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and reduction in the sizes of militaries worldwide. With regards to the effect of the military on the environment, a recent study shows that Canada’s large military bases actually serve as wildlife preservation and conservation areas as they virtue the public and commercial entities from access to them. Thus, if military bases are well regulated to prevent environmental abuses, they actually tend to be more ecologically friendly.

 To conclude, peacekeeping and military bases are the agenda of Canada during the United Nations Conference in Pyeongchang. Canada suggested that other nations should also consider these approaches with their military reservations. They said that the same land can serve more than one purpose. It only means to show that Canada wants to keep world peace and pay attention to environment. 


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