Contradiction of Environmental; Canada대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-13 13:14:18

 In 1867, Canada was pioneered by British and French immigrants. These days, Canada continues to accommodate immigrants and refugees at an increasing rate every year. That is the reason why it is now a proponent of multiculturalism and is regarded worldwide as a multicultural country. Furthermore, Canada takes an active part in peacekeeping activities of the United Nations. Not only multiculturalism, but also United Nations peacekeeping is one of the most important sections for the Canadian nations and the government. This activity is a reckoned part of Canada's significant national heritage and is a reflection of the fundamental beliefs of the Canadian people. It has also an influence on the Canada's foreign policy.

 The concrete concept of the Peacekeeping Organizations was shaped at the proposition of the Canadian Foreign Minister in 1956, and since then, Canada has been playing a leading role in the peacekeeping efforts of the United Nations. Lots of UN forces have been assigned to those countries that need to help such as Haiti, Somalia, Croatia, and many others.

 Canada has always been an advocate of the United Nations and its peacekeeping actions. Also, Canada has a long supported environmental conservation, as joining Clean Seas Campaign and providing Further Backing for Action on Black Carbon and Clean Air. In reference to the effect of the military on the environment, a recent study reports that Canada's large military bases actually serve as wildlife preservation and conservation areas because the public and commercial entities have no access to them. Hence, military lands are inadvertently and counter-intuitively providing green spaces and habitat of considerable significance to global conservation efforts.

 Nowadays, both country and nation's awareness of environment are increasing. Environmental problems and peace are related. Actually, the 2019 United Nation conference was held in Pyeongchang last February. The agenda was similar to what peace experts discuss around the world, and this conference was arranged as an educational venue for 100 young people from our country and abroad to build up their global networks and capabilities. Participants recognized the importance of the topic of 'peace' and had the opportunity to grow into global leaders through the role of embassies in each country.


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