All About Doctor대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-03-20 11:11:29

Many people want to be a doctor. According to some statistics, for a long time, the doctor has been a job that the students in third grade want to be. It is because a doctor can receive big annual income in comparison with other jobs. Also, in the students' opinion, a doctor is a great job, and many people respect and treat the doctors courteously. So, here are things about a great job, doctor.

First, if you want to be a good doctor and want to win respect, you should study in the greatest medical university, In Korea, there are good medical universities. To explain, those in the top five, are Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Korea University, Kyungpook University, and Ulsan University. These universities are South Korea's top five medical universities. Also, the doctor is famous for this job's big annual income. According to statistics, the general hospital doctors are commonly paid in million won. Also, doctors from famous and large hospitals like Seoul University Hospital are paid at most three million won.

There are many kinds of doctors. The typical kinds are internal medicine, surgery, dentistry, and emergency medicine. But commonly, doctors' role is to cure illness and remove bad things in our bodies such as tumor, cancer, and cavity. Also, in plastic surgery doctors work for people's convenience and hope. However, there is a unique case. Forensic doctors are not doctors who cure people. They help police to catch criminals. Specifically, they are used in forensic science.

▲ He explain to his patient. From Naver.

If you want to be a doctor, there are many processes to follow to be a doctor. First, you should enter a school of medicine and graduate there. After you graduate, if you pass the national doctor test, you will be a doctor and can cure people. Moreover, if you want to get a medical specialist license, you should complete the process of being an intern and resident. Also, you should pass the medical specialist examination. If you pass, you can become a real doctor.

A doctor is a great job, and many people want to be a doctor. Also, there are many changes and developments in medical science and doctor. So, many experts predict that doctor and medical science's future is bright.

By Gwack Yuchan


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