South Korea won the Asian Games대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-27 09:08:31

On August 18th, 2018 the Asian Games started. Because of the Korean national soccer team's efforts, they succeeded in the final game. They competed with Japan. Finally, the Korean's football team got the victory in the final game. So, they mad a great achievement.

On the first and second half, the Korean football team did not any goal. People who watched the soccer game were very nervous and stuffy. Everyone just wished that they would reach a goal. However, the sad situation continued. After a few times, the game was extended. Suddenly, South Korea scored its first goal. The first goal's owner was Lee Seung-Woo. The score changed to one. Son Heung_Min kicked the ball, and he returned the ball and reached this goal. A few minutes later, the South Korea team reached a second goal. The player who made a goal is Hwang Hee-Chan. He reached a goal to his heading. The score changed again two. But, suddenly, Japan reached a goal. The score changed two to one. Although the Korean team allowed Japan one goal, the Korean national soccer team won the game.

The Korean national soccer team won the Football Asian Games, so they gave great pleasure to South Korea. Finally, they succeeded to win a gold medal.

[덧붙이는 글]
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