All About Physician대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-14 10:50:56

▲ All physician helps patients and try to treat them(

In social, there are some people who think about patients everyday. A physician is a doctor that studies about, internal medicine. Internal medicine is the fundamental field, and it has a large range of medicine.

There are necessary things by being a physician. First, they have a responsibility about patients. Second, they need keen on details they do surgery. Also, they need patience and reliability. To be a physician, there are processes. First, they go to the college of medicine. Second, they should think of a medical licensing test. Third, they should have a doctoral degree. Next, they should have an intern process a year and resistant process of 4 years, too. The very important thing is time management because many people who are hurt come to the hospital every time and every moment. Next, they need good eyesight because they will do surgery.

According to an interview in an article from '', physician Lee says that physicians do an examination of patients with a disease such as digestion, breathing and kidney diseases, or infection in the patients' body are ordered for radiography and blood testing and advise about dietary therapy or living ways. Also, they have difficult things, too. Some people do not follow their advice because of the wrong internet information and because of what other friends say.

▲ Physicians and patients always have thankful mind each other.(Medical Xpress)

Like this, there are many people that always think about patients in society. Today, physicians' prospect is increasing a little every year. In 2013, they increased by 20% than in 2008. Today, our countries' science and technology develop every day and every month. However, as our technology develops, many people have diseases because of dirty air and water. So, we need more doctors like physicians.


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