Special Events in Ulsan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-02-06 17:08:02

Do you have local events in your district? There is a variety of events in each local community. Also, usually, the festival is made of local specialties’. In my local community, Ulsan, there are three national events; rose festival, chrysanthemum festival, and pottery festival.

First, there is a rose festival. Ulsan is famous for it. In the rose festival, there is no fee. So, anyone can come and enjoy watching. Also, it is called for date attraction. It is held in May, and you can see rose gardens and sculptures. You can see this festival in Taehwa Park.

▲ This picture was in Ulsan and many people take pictures with roses.

Next, Ulsan has a chrysanthemum festival. It is held from October to November. Also, it is held in Taehwa River. Many tourists come to this festival. You can see colorful chrysanthemum and take many pictures. It has no fee, too. A student named Lee So Min one said that is so beautiful. She can take so many pictures and have quality time with her friends. So she wants to come again.

Lastly, there is a pottery festival. It is held in a pottery village in May. It is the biggest pottery festival all around the world. A lot of children like this festival. They like it because they can see people making pottery and learn from a master. They can make pottery, too. A student named Park Sieun once said that before she came, she believed it would be so boring, but making pottery was so fun. Also, she saw a man making the process, and it was so wonderful.

▲ A pottery master is showing how to make a pottery to children.

In Ulsan, there are a lot of festivals such as a rose festival, chrysanthemum festival, and pottery festival. Many people said they are good, and they want to come again. I hope many people come and enjoy these festivals in Ulsan.


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