South Korea‘s Traditional Food대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2019-01-03 17:37:54

One of the most famous foods in South Korea is kimchi. In winter, many people in South Korea make kimchi with their families every year. So, in the kimchi making season, there are many napa cabbages, pepper, salted seafood, and many more. Kimchi is a unique food, and it is good for health because of its lactic bacteria. When people stored it in the ground for a year. the lactic acid bacteria is made in the kimchi jar. Because of this reason, South Koreans and foreign people like to eat this food during a meal, and they still love it.

▲ the picture of making kimchi

When is kimchi made? There are many estimations about it. Many experts said that in the period of the Three States, people discovered making salted food with pepper. However, at the first attempt of making kimchi, it did not look like these times' kimchi. These days' kimchi looks very spicy, and there are many kinds of it. After people made kimchi, they put it in a kimchi jar and bury it for one year. So, they can eat it for a longer time than other foods.

▲ the picture of the history of kimchi

Why many people in the world like this food? When we watch TV programs promoting South Korea, they usually introduce and recommend eating kimchi. Most foreign people like to eat it. Kimchi is one of the most famous South Korean traditional foods. For making this food, people use pepper garlic, salted seafoo

d, and other healthy ingredients. After that, they store in a kimchi jar, and they make lactic acid bacteria, w

hich is good for the health. So, people make many kinds of kimchi such as napa cabbage kimchi, sliced radish kimchi, green onion kimchi and many more. All these kinds are great food.

There are many good foods in South Korea. However, kimchi is the best food in this country. It has good tastes, effect, and many kinds. When many people around the world taste this food, it will be great for promoting.

Dec. 22nd, by Hwang Sebin


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