A Solider‘s death Should not be Wasted대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-12-29 17:49:26

December seven was a fixed day for the public trial defendant who killed Yoon Chang Ho because of drunk driving. The victim's parents and friends were sitting in the audience. Their faces became terribly distorted when the defendant entered the court. Before the trial, Yoon's friends held a press conference and said that if drunk drivers are not harshly punished, there will be more victims. He pleaded to sentence harsh punishment to the attacker who is busy retrieving this accident.

▲ Yoon Chang Ho`s friends were tried hard not to waste their friend`s death.

The affair happened two months ago. Yoon Chang Ho and his friend were seriously injured by a BMW car that suddenly attacked them. At the time of the incident, the attacker's blood alcohol content is 0.18 percent, There was a revocation of his license. Yoon Chang Ho died. After Yoon chang Ho died, his friends petitioned to strengthen the punishment of drunk driving and prepare a bill personally to stop wrongful deaths.
Finally, last month at the Assembly plenary session, the increased drunk driving law called 'Yoon Chang Ho law' was passed. In Yoon Chang Ho law, the offender will be punished if he drives drunk even if only once. Also, if your blood alcohol content is 0.03 percent, you will get a license suspension. If your blood alcohol content is 0.08 percent, you will entail revocation of license.

▲ Last month, increased drunk driving law was passed finally.

However, the assembly lower imprisonment's content from five years to three years. That is why there are comments that they regressed. It will not do. We have to impose severe and substantive penalties. For that, we have to emulate the rules of foreign countries. In Finland, they forfeit one month's salary. Also, Singapore and Australia levy fines and unhusk face and name in a newspaper. Many states in the U.S. classify drunk driving to felony and face up to an indefinite sentence. Thailand punished indirect penalty to clean corpse in a mortuary. Like foreign countries, we have to tighten up law. The statement I don't remember because I was drunk is just an excuse.

▲ We should tighten up law like other countries not to make more victims.

By Pyo Seung Hee


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