Opposing Movement to Pet \"Sky Shot\"대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-12-03 17:49:19

Pet "sky shot" was a hot topic in recent months.

▲ Pet ˝Sky Shot˝

Some owners of dogs usually agonize how to take a great picture of their dogs. They came to mind about taking a photo of their dogs in the air of the blue sky. Then, they acted up to their thought, and they had to throw their small dogs. After they took a picture, they posted the picture on social media with hashtags such as "sky shot" and "flight shot".

Several people who watched such photos claimed that it was animal abuse. They said that if the owner of a dog makes a mistake in the process of throwing his or her dog, it can be a huge accident like the dog's legs may get broken. Some owners who posted "sky shot" on social media often left sentences like "I managed to succeed this shot after lots of attempts." and "I threw my dog a lot like that, but I got only one shot." We can know that those owners would repeat such throwing action for just one nice shot and for their satisfaction. In their "sky shot" photos, we can also find out the dogs' stiffen and scared faces. So, some netizens said that those owners must think sincerely one more time.

▲ The Sign ˝Sky Shot = Animal Abuse, STOP˝

As other owners of dogs gradually know about this fact, they claim to oppose movement with the sign "Sky Shot = Animal Abuse, STOP". Also, they suggest solutions of it like composing their dog photo and the blue sky or taking a photo that an owner and his or her dog posed safely. As a result, most of the owners who posted "sky shot" on social media removed the shots and said that they acted carelessly with an apology.

by Kim Hyun


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