The Most Scientific Language, Hangeul대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-11-21 11:32:43

Until 1940, when Hunminjeongeum Haerye was not founded yet, nobody knew Hangeul's invention. After that book was founded, many people got to know how scientific Hangeul was invented. Also, it is reported that Korean is the easiest language to learn. Who invented Hangeul, and how he was able to make Hangeul?

Hangeul was invented in 1443 and published in 1446 by King Sejong. He wanted that his nation could read and write words, so he provided opportunities for all Koreans to learn their own language. Hangeul was originally called Hunminjeongeum. It means a set of proper sounds for the education of the people. Hunminjeongeum's invention was made by King Sejong's love for the people and spirit of independence

▲ King Sejong made Hunminjeongeum for his nation.

At first, King Sejong made basic letters, ', , , , ', with the shape of the vocal organs. '' is the shape of the throat when you pronounce it. '' is the shape of the tongue when you pronounce it. '' is the shape of the lip, '' is made from the shape of the tooth. Last, '' is the shape of the round throat. And, other consonants are added strokes with the basics. Second, basic vowels are made with the shape of heaven, earth, and man. Then, other vowels are mixed with its basic vowels. So, there are 14 consonants and 10 vowels today.

▲ Hunminjeongeum Haerye was founded in 1940.

Every year, UNESCO gives “King Sejong Literacy Prize” to people who rendered distinguished services with a crusade against illiteracy. The name of this prize means how Hangeul which is made by King Sejong is recognized as the best writing system that can remove the illiterate person. It is the most outstanding writing system because the spirit of its creations is focused on independence, love for the people, and practical use.

▲ In 2014, APNFE of Burkina Faso and Ecuador`s Department of Education won prizes of King Sejong Literacy Prize.

Hunminjeongeum Haerye was designated as the 70th National Treasure in 1962. Also, it was registered in the UNESCO's Memory of the World Register in October 1997.

November 4th, by Lee Dowon


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