Yong-Yean School Event: A Club Festival 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-11-13 10:49:40

Have you ever been at your school festival or any school event? In Yong-Yean Elementary School, there is a special school event called Yong-Yean Club Festival. In this event, every student can participate. They hold the festival in the school lecture hall in December.

Eun-Ji Kim, in sixth grade in Yong-Yean Elementary School, said that in this event, we can join an event create a club we want. Ye-rim also said that she loves the system about the audition, so some students will not fool around in the stage. Lastly, some teachers answered that parents and teachers can participate in some booths such as cooking or face painting.

To hold this huge event, we have to have a long process. From the beginning of the first semester, we join or create the club and prepare about the stage or exhibition. Also, before one or a half month before the festival, students make posters and design the banner about a school festival and have an audition for a better event. Also, we design the stage and lights or music used int he festival. The day before the festival, students move their chairs to the hall and set up the booth, decorate the stage and exhibit the paintings of photos in the hallway. To process these things, we use the school budget and some of the personal money to prepare their own stage.

▲ Students are having their stage in the school lecture hall.

Despite these efforts, some students opposed to have a club festival in the school. Some of them say that doing all by themselves can make fights between friends and have the worst effort, and some have conflicts in the audition system. however, the conflicts remain, but the students will enjoy in the school festival.

▲ Even some students disagree for the school festival, many schools are still having festivals.

Nov. 7th, by Won Hwi Kim


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