Lots of Incidents before Mid-term Election대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-30 11:46:47

America will hold a mid-term election on November 6. However, they are suffering from some crimes. A white man shouting anti-Jewish killed 11 people, and a man from Florida delivered explosives to former presidents and others. People are interested in how these will influence the election.

Eleven people were killed and six others were injured by a fire in Pittsburgh. His name was Robert, a white man. He was arrested and taken to a hospital after being shot while engaging police and his life will be safe. Police says that he aimed the time of worship which starts at 9:45 a.m. According to witnesses, there were many people inside when the shooting started, and the criminal shouted, "All Jews must die."

This is expected to be recorded as the worst anti-Semitic crime in U.S. history. The exact motive for the crime has not been confirmed yet.

▲ Eleven people were killed in this incident

Earlier the day, a suspected U.S. man was arrested for sending bomb packages to anti-Trump groups, including former U.S. President Barack Obama. The U.S. Ministry of Justice announced that federal investigators arrested a suspect. The suspect is Cesar, who lives in Florida. The New York Times reported that the suspect has been guilty of crimes such as theft, drugs, fraud, and threats to use explosives since 1991.

▲ One member of anti-Trump group, Barack Obama

Trump emphasis national unification in order to overcome this hatred and violence. He also said that he is doing his best to prevent political crimes. However, some say that President Trump cannot be free from this political and social trend. Since the 2016 presidential election, Trump has been criticized for policies that promote conflict and division such as anti-immigrant and protectionist policies. Some people argue that the attitude to Trump influenced white supremacy and extremists to express their feeling easily.

▲ Trump arguing the national unification


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