Starbucks‘ Menu in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-11-13 11:37:06

Starbucks is a global company and many people in the world like Starbucks' drinks and other items. There is a big difference that this company has. That is the menu. Starbucks' menu is depending on each country's custom and culture. That's because there are some drinks that a certain branch of Starbucks only has. In the Starbucks in Seoul, Park-Hyon-suk, the leader of developing beverage team, makes many Starbucks beverages every season. She has made famous drinks that branches of Starbucks in other countries, such as red bean frappuccino and mango banana.

▲ the picture of Park-Hyon-suk

Before red bean frappuccino was made by her, many people in South Korea drank common beverages such as coffee and cafe latte. When Park-Hyon-suk worked in Starbucks as a developing manager, she thought about a new beverage called red bean frappuccino. She sent her ideas to the head office in the U.S.A., and it started to make this beverage as its item. When this beverage came to South Korea, many people chose this beverage because it is like a Korean traditional dessert, patbingsu. Then, many people knew this cafe, Starbucks, and finally, it is said to be famous for red bean frappuccino.

▲ the picture of the menu, Redben frapuccino

Mango banana is also made by Park-Hyon-suk. She decided to make this beverage because when her family once went to Starbucks, there was nothing for the children to drink. Her daughter couldn't drink any beverage with caffeine in Starbucks. So, she got to make the beverage, mango banana, for children. She also sent her idea to the head office, and it came to South Korea as a new item. When this drink was sold in Starbucks, people of all ages liked this beverage. After all, this beverage became a hit menu in Starbucks of Korea.

▲ the picture of the menu, Mango banana

When Park-Hyon-suk came to Starbucks, many people did not know about it. However, nowadays, Starbucks is a very famous company in South Korea. If this company makes these drinks sold in other countries' branches, many people in other countries will be able to experience Korean culture.

Oct. 27th, By Sebin Hwang


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