\"O!Oi\", Potential Worldwide Korean Street Brand, Being Loved by Teenagers대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-29 17:41:02

On the street, we can see a lot of teenagers that dress well, expressing their style. As time goes on, Korean teenagers' interest in fashion has been increasing. Commonly, Korean teenagers have not enough money and enjoy following the trend. So, they like purchasing clothes at the Korean street brands which sell clothes that are not expensive and trendy. Especially, "O!Oi", one of the Korean street brands, is becoming popular among Korean teenagers because of their unique and cute design, even O!Oi is expanding abroad. Lately, it released a new 2018 Fall/Winter Collection, and many Korean teenagers regardless of gender, wear the clothes of this collection.

▲ One of the 5252 by O!Oi`s new 2018 Fall/Winter Collection lookbook.

"O!Oi", a Korean street brand, is launched by Yeseul Jung, a Korean designer when she was 22 years old in 2011. There is "O!Oi" which is the first line for women with unique design, and "5252 by O!Oi" which is the second line for all genders with a comfortable and cute design. They develop their own collections with a lovely and witty identity. Yeseul Jung, the CEO and the main designer of "Oi Studio", established O!Oi with one million won, being sure of the firm management philosophy and success and expecting differentiated points from the others. Finally, O!Oi becomes a famous and popular brand of Korea, even in the world.

This 2018 F/W Collection's slogan is "KEEP THE YOUTH", putting the story about people to enjoy their youth in this collection. They based the travel of teenagers for motif and made the story enjoying their own travel melt in the collection. This collection expressed teenagers' sensitivity and youth with colors and silhouette. This collection consisted of various products from light autumn clothes to heavy winter outer with the diverse material of knitting, nylon, corduroy, denim, and wool. They also used O!Oi's original logo and 5.B.O logo more diversely. These points attract a lot of teenagers in the world.

▲ This 2018 F/W Collection`s slogan is ˝KEEP THE YOUTH˝.

Thanks to the high-quality design and retention of O!Oi's characteristic color, fixed customers has rapidly increased. As the result, O!Oi expanded to China, Hongkong, Japan, and Europe. Also, in about five years, the number of subscribers reached nearly 100,000, and sales reached eight billion won last year. According to Yeseul Jung's interview with Baek Bongsam reporter, she said that her purpose of this year is upgrading the service and products' quality, achieving a meaningful result from Europe, and entering in department stores.

▲ At the on-line store of O!Oi, people all over the world can buy O!Oi`s items.

Oct. 28th, By Lee Ji-eun


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