BTS Makes a Speech at the United Nations대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-29 16:06:25

"No matter who you are, where you are from, your skin color, your gender identity, speak yourself. Find your name and find your voice." This is part of a speech given by a Korean boy group, BTS. The speech was given as an opening speech in the United Nations to launch UNICEF's new partnership, "Generation Unlimited."

▲ BTS at the United Nations

On September 24th (New York time), a boy group from South Korea was invited for a speech during the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly. The purpose of the session was to launch UNICEF's new partnership. the goal of the new partnership, which is called "Generation Unlimited," is to allow every young person into quality education, training or employment by the year 2030. This would be the second partnership between UNICEF and BTS as BTS has already signed another partnership with UNICEF on November 2017, called "#ENDviolence."

▲ The first partnership BTS launched with UN, ˝#ENDviolence˝

RM, the leader of BTS, made a seven-minute speech on behalf of the members, while other six members were standing right behind him. He started the speech by talking about his childhood in Ilsan and the difficulties he had when he started to consider others thoughts. He said that he shut his mouth and became a ghost until he found music calling his real name. Then, he mentioned that he had many hurdles standing in front of him while he was in the group BTS, but he got to know how to overcome them one by one when he found out how to love himself. He said that regardless of how he was yesterday, how he is today, and how he would be tomorrow, he should love himself because they are all him. He wrapped up the speech encouraging listeners to speak themselves and find their voice.

▲ RM making a speech while other six members are standing behind him

The reaction of the speech was explosive. Fans of BTS, also known as "Army", took the twitter by retweeting "BTSxUnitedNations." One of the twitters posted "Thank you for everything BTS, you have brought in a community together and claimed it as your family." OTher fans showed a similar response while the first lady of South Korea also mentioned that she was proud of them.

October 21st, 2018, Jiyun Song


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