Whale Festival in Jangsaengpo, Ulsan대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-23 17:45:57

Many people think that festivals will be big and famous. However, the Whale Festival is held simple. Whale Festival was held from July 5 to July 8, 2018. Ulsan is a typical whale city in South Korea, so people can feel the whale city by experiencing the activities and can have fun with the topic in this festival, like "Whale's Dream, Young Man's Dream, Ulsan's Dream!"

▲ Concert hall of Whale Festival

Jangsaengpo is famous for the things that are related to whales. For example, there are Bangudae petroglyphs and Gray Whale Migration Site. Whale Festival is held in the whole area of Jangsaengpo, Ulsan. The history of this festival is 23rd years old. In the festival, people watch the racy street parade together and enjoy the whale song concert. On this day, famous singers sing songs. This year, there was dabble in the water events greeted summer. However, the most peculiar event is "Go Sightseeing Gray Whale Migration Site". People board in the ship and can see gray whales.

The festival is already 23 years old. My friend, Seayoan, who participated in it said he already participated in this festival this year and last year. There were many attractions and various activities, so he was very excited. However, most importantly, he did not know that whale is a big source of pride in Ulsan.

After this festival, people think about Ulsan once more for this chance. Also, many foreigners enjoyed the festival. there were easy and funny experience activities, so foreigners had an enjoyable time together.

This festival is held for informing the whale city, Ulsan. More people are participating in this festival every year. People will consider the real symbol and shale city by watching, doing, and feeling. Whale Festival, which is represented in Ulsan and the meaning is deep, is this best local fair.

By Yurim Lee

▲ Sightseeing Gray Whale


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