Do you know ‘Seoul Nal‘?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-17 18:14:59

▲ Korean traditional Holiday culture

 There is a big holiday called Seol in Korea. This day is the first day of the lunar calendar, and it has a lot of customs. There are  three cultures which are a part of Korea's culture.

 First, the new year’s bow is our traditional bow culture. This is a ceremonial gesture to our relatives. After the new year’s bow, we are given some new year's pocket money in a lucky bag. When doing a new year's bow, men put their left hand on the right hand, and women put their right hand on the left hand. Next is Seol's traditional food. There is very important food in Seol is rice cake soup, Tteokguk.

▲ Korean traditional Holiday culture

 In Tteokguk, there are three main reasons for eating Tteokguk. First, eating white rice cake in Tteokguk on Seol, cleans your mind. Second, the cross section of the rice cake resembles a coin shape, which means money will comes to you. Third, you are considered to be one year older if you eat Tteokguk. Last is the playing culture. 

 The most well-known games are Yutnori and Neolttwigi. Yutnori is a Korean traditional game which is good to play with our family. And Neolttwigi is a game played on a see-saw.

You can see, there is lots of culture in Korea’s Seol. As I researched Korean traditional culture, I came to learn more about them. I want to inform our culture.


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