AR, The Most Important Field For Our Future대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-07 20:11:26

AR Industry Is Getting Bigger
AR industry is growing really fast by getting a great deal of interest.

It is because it has much potential power. Many experts said that technology has become more sophisticated and expanded, so the demand in AR will increase.

Many people are confused with AR to VR. AR is augmented reality.

It refers to technology that overlays information and virtual objects on real-world scenes in real-time.

It uses the existing environment and adds information to it to make a new artificial environment. And, VR is virtual reality.

VR shows the things that are all fake, which are made by someone. On the other hand, AR shows overlaid screen.

These days, the AR industry is getting bigger.

The reason is that VR shows all fake, which makes the technology poorly suited to real-life social interaction outside a digital world.

On the other hand, AR has the potential power to act as an assistant to everyday life, smoothly integrating into daily real-world interactions.
There are many usages of AR. For example, you can use it in healthcare. Already, there are many convenient applications for augmented reality in healthcare from allowing medical students to training in AR environments.

Many experts said that the AR industry will get bigger as four times than now. Its because it can be used in many fields of daily life. AR industry will get bigger and bigger.


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