What Effect Does Boyangsik Have on My Body?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-09-27 17:59:27

Because of the blistering summer heat, many people suffered from it and lost their appetite. Boyangsik,is a traditional Korean food, which can make people overcome each extreme weather like summer solstice. From samgyetang to roasted eel, these foods get back lost appetite and give energy. However, the food does not fit or match with the person's body type, boyangsik can have unintended effects, like sapping one's energy.

▲ Famous Korean Boyangsik, Samgyetang

Sasang constitutional medicine is a pure Korean medicine theory, created by Lee Je-ma in 1894. It divides every four groups, according to a person's appearance, personality and health conditions. The system divides people into four body types, So-yang, So-eum, Tae-yang, Tae-eum. Lee said that if the container in the food collides with one's body type, it can even harm the person's health. So, people should know their body type to enjoy boyangsik in a balanced way.

▲ Dr. Lee who created Sasang Constitutional Medicine

First, So-yang type people tend to have strong upper bodies and weak lower bodies. People with this type usually have a lot of heat, so they are recommended to eat oyster, abalone, and watermelons which are believed to be effective in cooling down one's body. Second, So-eum type tends to have balanced lower bodies and calm temperament. So, it is essential to keep their bodies warm. In contrast to So-yang, they should eat chicken, ginger and other warm foods.

Third, Tae-eum is the type which half of Koreans believe to be their type. Their bodies are usually obese. No particular food is good or bad for them. However, they should avoid late-night meals and greasy foods.

Lastly, people who have Tae-yang type usually have a big head, broad forehead and shining small eyes. They should stay hydrated by drinking water and avoid oily and spicy food. Seafood and vegetables are highly recommended.

▲ Features of each Sasang body type

September 9, 2018. Kim Dae-Hwan


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