Mugeo Middle School‘s Sports Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-10-23 14:33:21

Are you in elementary school, middle school or high school? If yes, you might have done sports day which is a school event. Sports day is an event in which is a school event in which all students take part in many games like a relay race and tug-of-war. They will make two teams. Each team has a representative runner in all grade level. It is like a relay, but it has a mission.

▲ playing tug-of-war

Class 1-1's president Kim said that he was happy that their class has won the first price by winning the relay, mission relay and tug-of-war. Kim also expressed that he was happy that his class way happy for not wearing a class uniform and could play in class time. Class 1-2's sports president, Jang, who is the fastest person in first grade said that he was a bit depressed. They could have won the relay if the runner had not fallen out. However, it was a mistake. They will play better next year so that their class will win the game.

To prepare for the sports day, every student comes to school ten minutes earlier so that they can make a tent for each class. Some class makes a banner for cheering up their class. Each teacher makes a box which is for mission relay and boll. What is special is that Mugeo Middle School gives a gift card with an amount of 80,000 won as a first price. Students also pick a person in every rest time and give a small gift to that person.

Mugeo Middle School might be similar or different from other schools. All schools have their own individuality which makes more enjoyable in the sports day. By playing with all grade levels and all class, students could be closer.

▲ all students getting closer

By 김우엽


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