A Dangerous Handheld Fan for Summer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-23 14:16:20

▲ A Cute Handheld Fan
The Ministry of the Interior and Safety has issued a safety warning over the use of mini electric fans. These days, a lot of people are looking for various handheld fans because of summer's severe heat. As new products' production increases more and more because of their very high demand and popularity, we can often read articles about people's injuries caused by the accidents of several products. Because poor products increase in number, people must be careful when you buy and use portable fans.
As the summer is coming, people who are looking for handheld fans are rapidly increasing. In addition, because of the continuous heat wave, its demand is getting higher. Plus, nowadays there are many types or designs of mini fans. So, there are even some people who buy many different kinds of portable fans because of their curiosity. Meanwhile, more accidents are occurring because of it.

▲ A Handheld Fan That Exploded Itself

Between 2015 and 2018, a total of 40 accidents involving mini fans were reported, data from the Korea Consumer Agency's Consumer Injury Surveillance System was revealed. Two accidents happened in 2014 before the number grew to 33 cases last year. Accidents involving an explosion, overheating, smoke, and many others accounted for half of all the accidents while two cases saw fingers get either stuck or squashed.

The Ministry advises people against using mini fans for long hours and also high-speed chargers, and recommends them to choose products made with softer materials. Also, it is good to buy products which obtained certification about safety.

July 22th, by Kim Hyeon


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