Growth of Minimum Wages대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-23 13:54:41

After the discussion about the minimum wages at The Minimum Wage Council, the minimum wage for next year will be 8,350 won. Although it was decided carefully, is expected that there will be a lot of repercussions because both laborers and enterprises are not satisfied.

▲ The Minimum Wage Council is discussing about the minimum wages

After the decision, the Korea Foundation of Micro Enterprise issued a statement. They said that they cannot accept the decision without the legitimacy. They will violate the Minimum Wages Act by making a free contact with the employees with lower wages. In addition, they said that they will receive a late hour premium, and a card will not be allowed. Actually, they carried out the "a moratorium" which means the disobedience.

Also, other organizations criticized the minimum wages. Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business claimed that it can deprive the job of socially disadvantaged classes and damage the small business, which can lead to polarization by preventing the poor strata to raise their money.

▲ The Korea Foundation of Micro Enterprise criticizes about increased minimum wages

Not only the small and medium enterprises, but laborers also are not satisfied with the growth of minimum wages. They suggested to the government to increase the minimum wage to 8,680 won, but it was not accepted. Kang Hoon Joong, the spokesperson of the Federation of Korean Trade Unions, said, that they will claim more powerfully to change the unfair practices fundamentally between large companies and subcontractors, franchise head office and affiliated stores. Also, they do not solve it, laborers cannot have a better life although their minimum wages are 10,000 won. They asserted that this is the worst rate of increase, and they warned that they will take part in a demonstration to revise the law. They insisted that the government should give up to increase more because they are afraid of the opposition party.

▲ Moon promises to increase minimum wages to 10,000won

Almost all of the people agreed about increasing the minimum wages but they criticized that the government did not consider the inflation that can cause a lot of damages to our economy. Also, experts said that when we increase the minimum wages when inflation happens, it causes the growth of the prices of the products which means inflation. So, it can cause a bigger inflation. Many people claim that the government should re-evaluate this policy.

July 15th, by Jang Jin Young


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