기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-29 14:40:05

Now, many people think about how to protect the animals. However, in South Korea, people who mistreat animals do not have a powerful punishment and cannot even have a protection of the mistreated animals. Nevertheless, in England, there is an RSPCA inspector.

The academic ability to be an RSPCA inspector is one should get the 5 GCSE, the high school graduation, and also a career in managing animals. Also, he should get a professional education in The College of Animal Welfare in England. There is a seven-month training, which educates the animal laws, veterinary medicine knowledge, first aid knowledge, and how to rescue the animals. After that, there will be eight-week placement and written test.

First and RSPCA inspector starts with and Animal welfare Officer and after building one's career, he can become the RSPCA inspector. They will keep eyes on the animal-related enterprise, circus, and animal, they will rescue and take care of it. They will also have 24 hours shift work. RSPCA inspector gets the 1.3 million reports per tear about the animals and investigates one hundred and fifty thousand cases of them.

Now, South Korea has the KSAF, which protects the animals, but it is not very powerful. So, there is a need to revise animal laws into a more powerful one. The USA is very powerful when it comes to these laws. For example, one dog killed the next door cat, and the dog owner should give the forty-five thousand dollars for the cat owner and should get three weeks jail and three months of house arrest. Like this, South Korea should revise animal laws.

▲ The offical website of the RSPCA (UK)


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