What is a Travel Writer?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-29 14:36:15

▲ An official café for travel writers

If you like traveling, you may have heard of the job of "travel writer". These days, travel writers are becoming more popular as they publish books about the things they have felt while traveling, they give information about their travel, and they post pictures of it. Some of the most popular travel books include My Cultural Heritage Visits, Island, and Naughty European Walk.

Now, how can you become a travel writer? Veteran travel writer, Chae Ji-hyung, describes the easiest way to become a travel writer as 'The best way to become a travel writer is to use a blog or Facebook.' If many people visit a popular blog or a Facebook operator, the publisher can come up with a proposal. With the growing popularity of travel writers, there have recently been more courses to nurture travel writers. It is also a good idea to take courses where you can learn how to write, take a picture, report, and publish.

▲ A book written by a children`s travel writer

There is no age or gender limit in being a travel writer. A prime example is the child writer, Choi Ji-yoon. She wrote books about the Cambodia trip she had with her family. She did not produce the books for profit, so she donated all of the earnings to charity. In addition, a travel writer can make an enjoyable job of anything under any circumstances because he or she writes books about his feelings before, during, and after traveling. Experts explain that this is the biggest reason why travel writers are becoming popular. If you are a person who loves and enjoys traveling, be a travel writer. After all, the most important things to do is to enjoy traveling and some writing or photography.


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