An Intramural Chorus Contest of Namoe Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-29 14:35:18

▲ Students are performing.

Have you ever been to a chorus contest? Chorus contests are usually held at the place like in a cultural center, and only choirs take part in it. The chorus contest in Namoe Middle School is different than usual chorus contest that most people imagine because all the students in Namoe Middle School gather at the hall of the school and participate in it.

Yeong-gyeong Lee, a middle school student in eighth grade, said that it was a good experience because the point that preparing for it to participate and to win the prize, and friendship between classmates became close was good. Su-hyeon Hong, who is in the eighth grade in middle school, also expressed that escaping from studying, she enjoyed it with friends, so it was great.

The chorus contest in Namoe Middle School was held for the first time. Also, to hold this event, the school should prepare three colors of sitting cushion and equipment such as microphones and stage lighting. Then, install audio equipment and gather all the student at the hall of the school, handing out sitting cushions to students for each grade. After then, we begin the chorus contest and start with seventh-grade students, singing the school song and the other song which each class wants.

Despite all the positive impacts that all the students participate, there are some negative things, too. Hye-joo Yun, a student of Namoe Middle School, said that the time for their preparation was short, and the performing time was too short to show what they have prepared, and it made them feel sad. Some complaint about the problem of the small size of the hall and others, but there are many students who think the chorus contest positively.


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