Peculiarity About Our School Athletic Meet대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-07-19 18:16:31

Have you ever been it school athletic meet? Most of students experience the school athletic meet. And many school do not do performance or go to the sports complex. Our school athletic meet's peculiarity is, first, rent large sports complex, our school go to the large sports complex, so we can do victory loudly and do exercise free. Second is, playing sports with teacher. Many school do not playing sports with teachers, most of teachers are seat and control their class. However, in our school, teachers are playing sports together. The last is, do performance with class mate. We practice with just students, there's any help other teachers or parents. Just do it by themselves. This is our schools peculiarity.

▲ do jump rope with teacher

Yeo Jin Geong, a senior in the Namoe middle school, said "I don't like competition with my friends and it is hard to prepare the school athletic meet, but I love the school athletic meet." And she especially said that she loves do performance with classmate. She also waits the school athletic meet.

It also has advantage and disadvantage, first advantage is closer with their friends to prepare it. Second is fun to do it and prepare it. Third, is to exercise, in our school many student's don't like exercise, so when we do it, many people can do exercise. The last advantage is release stress. We can release the stress to do exercise and talk with their friends. In the other hands, the disadvantage is fight with their friends. Second is,dangerous to do exercise and do performance.

▲ student`s performance

It has many advantage and disadvantage. However, some people says, it must be stop because of the danger and going to worse relationship. If the school athletic meet cause lots of problem, it must be stop or something change. However, the students like this events and it is handful event to release their stress. So, many people think it is not just bad.


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