Declaration of the End to the Korean War대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-26 19:41:54

As the summit gets closer, Moon's diplomatic arbitration is getting faster now. Especially, because the good relationship between North Korea and the USA made people think about a declaration to end Korean War. This is the turning point of world history that can mark a period for the Korean War, which has been in a truce for 65 years since 1953.

There was a lot of crisis in the meeting, but they overcame it well. Optimism about the success of the historic summit is increasing, as Trump said that he was interested in discussing the declaration of the end to the Korean War to Kim Yong-chol, the director of the Unified Front Department and vice chairman of North Korean Workers Party official. Although this meeting is about economic support and protecting the regime, many people are expecting about the negotiation of stopping the Korean War.

▲ Kim Young-chol and Trump met together

The Blue House is paying close attention to this situation. Spokesman Kim Eul Gyum said that They believe that the meeting between Trump and Kim will end successfully. They will be watching the meeting carefully. However, a lot of experts have said that The Blue House is also getting ready for three-way summits.

▲ Kim Eul Gyum, spokesman, is talking about three way summits

Moon expressed expectations about the end of the war. In particular, Moon said that after the meeting between Kim and Trump ends successfully, he wants to propose a three-way summit to be held in order to discuss the declaration to end the Korean War. If the discussion about the war starts in earnest, Moon must participate in this discussion as South Korea is the country directly involved in this war. Experts say that the summit will be held in Singapore on July 27th or at the Joint Security Area of Panmunjeom.

▲ Moon must participate in three ways summit to end Korean War

If the war ends, it will be good for the peace in Korea.

June 10th, 2018 by Jang Jin Young,


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