Fire fighter Rescued an Emergency Patient on an International Flight Plane During Vacation대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-26 18:43:31

▲ Fire fighter Jung Won-yong

It was recently reported that on May 11th, a firefighter, Jung Won-yong, who was on vacation, saved an emergency patient in an airplane. According to the fire station, Jung was on a vacation, and he was traveling to Kathmandu. After hearing that there was an emergency on the plane, Jung told the flight attendant that he was a first-class emergency technician, so he could give her a hand.

The patient was an Indian woman who suffered from diabetes and complained of chest pain and breathing difficulties. Jung checked the patient's condition by using his oxygen saturation meter. He said, that there was an oxygen saturation meter he always carries in his bag. Because he does not know when and where patients will be. He decided she needed oxygen, so he immediately asked airline staff for oxygen. He also recognized she needed drugs and gave her three types of medication.

▲ He is treating the patient.

▲ airplane going to Katmandu

Firefighter Jung watched her continuously. An hour later, he checked, and the patient's chest pain and difficulty in breathing were weakened. After that, he continued to take care of the patient so that she could get to the Kathmandu airport safely. The patient, as well as Korean Air airline, thanked him. He said that whenever there is an opportunity in helping in an emergency he would take it, for it is his natural duty as a firefighter to do his best. He is also very happy and grateful that the patient is safe.

If Jung Won-yong did not listen to the in-flight broadcast, he would not have saved the patient. It is not easy to treat a patient calmly in an emergency, so I believe he is really awesome. Also, I am very grateful for the good work he did on the international flight, where there were a lot of foreigners, so he gave our country a good image.

2018 June 2nd, by 유현희


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