The Mars Helicopter Will Send to Mars in 2020대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-09 17:09:23
  • 수정 2018-06-09 17:12:03

Many nations have been discovering Mars which contains water and methane. Also, there is a place to keep oxygen and carbon dioxide in polar region in Mars. So, NASA launched many vehicles to Mars to research about it. This is because of Mars

is considered as similar to Earth. This means that if we develop it more, we can make Mars like Earth. Moreover, NASA will launch new vehicle called Mars Helicopter. Sending helicopter is their first try to Mars. If this helicopter fails to fly, it does not affect them, but if they could fly, they will take a picture of Mars with two cameras. If this plan succeeds, they can know something special.

To achieve this plan, NASA should think about various conditions like the Mars' atmosphere and helicopter functions. It has to be both tiny and light like softball because this will fly in Mars atmosphere. Also, this helicopter will use the solar cell to charge batteries and operate a heater to combat nighttime temperature on Mars. The plan for Mars helicopter is to attach the bottom of the Mars. After it lands on the surface, it will begin to find enough place to set down, deploy it and roll away. Then, the helicopter will try to take off, and this should fly by itself


NASA Administrator, Jim Bridenstine said, that The Mars Helicopter holds much promise for our future science, discovery, and exploration missions to Mars. Many vehicles have sent to Mars. To develop Mars as Earth to live there, NASA should launch as many spaceships as they can. Sending Mars helicopter is one of the efforts to do that. The Mars helicopter will be sent to Mars on July 2020 and will land on Mars in February 2021.


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