Blue Hole`s New Venture, BATTLE GROUND.대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-09 17:03:46

Blue Hole`s New Venture, BATTLE GROUND.

By: Oh-Seung-Jin

Battle Ground is part of the unique gaming genre, Battle Royale. Blue Hole has used this unique genre to develop Battle Ground. Because of this genre, people like this game. Although Battle Ground was developed in Korea, Koreans didn`t know about Battle Ground until recently. Even it was more famous abroad.

There are many games that are similar to Battle Ground. On PC, there is Fort Nite, which has a building system in it. It is very popular as well.

Also, there is H1Z1. In early days, there was a Zombie BR mode. It supported the first-person viewpoint, and there were many zombies. But there was a massive patch, and Zombie BR mode was removed. But its rules are very similar to Battle Ground`s mode. H1Z1`s rules are also very similar to Battle Ground.

It was very popular. But after Battle Ground was released, its popularity decreased.

Battle Ground is a very good and popular game, but because of its lack of optimization, the server for Battle Ground is sometimes unstable. Also, there are so many hacks in Battle Ground like aim hack, speed hack, invincible hack, etc...

Battle Ground hacking is a big problem, and many people abuse this problem. In spite of its many disadvantages, Battle Ground is a very fresh and unique game.


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