Peace Between Two Koreas대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-09 16:55:36

There was a summit between North Korea and South Korea on last April 27th. The summit went well and had a good atmosphere. Before the summit, there were many unpredictable actions of the two leaders, Kim Jong-un chairman of North Korea and Moon Jae-in president of South Korea. For example, Chairman, Kim Jong-un and President Moon Jae-in held hands and crossed the border toward North Korea, which wasn’t scheduled. Also, President Moon Jae-in suggested Chairman Kim Jong-un to take a picture with all of their entourages together. After the summit, the two leaders made a declaration called the Panmunjeom declaration which states that, during this year, the two Koreas will end the Korean War which had paused in 1953 and has been in a truce for 65 years. Now, North Korea and USA are preparing for a bilateral talk between them. President Trump said that they won’t have the summit on June 12th because they thought that North Korea didn’t have the will to denuclearize. Fortunately, the second summit which was very sudden between North Korea and South Korea made the summit between North Korea and the USA possible because, during that summit, chairman Kim Jong-un ensured that North Korea still wanted the summit and had the will to denuclearize. Due to a second summit of the two Koreas, there were two working-level talks between North Korea and USA about their summit. If the summit goes well, the end of the war will be closer, which is what every person living in South Korea wants.

The second summit between North and South Korea also went well with a good atmosphere. In the opening of summit, Chairman Kim Jong-un told President Moon Jae-in, “I am sorry for not preparing enough for this ceremony, Also, we should prepare a better place. Because we decided that our summit should end secretly, we couldn’t prepare it.” So, for his thoughts, President Moon Jae-in told Chairman Kim Jong-un, “I think it’s a very big development between our two countries that it will become a very easy thing for the two leaders of Korea to meet when they want to meet.” When the summit got to it’s climax, they talked about the summit with USA. Moon Jae-in told Kim Jong-un, “The expectation that the nuclear problem will be solved and a peace treaty will be made is increasing because the summit between USA and North Korea is scheduled.” Then, Kim Jong-un said, “Yes, you also worked very hard by going to the USA.” The summit continued for two hours like this. At the end of the summit, Chairman Kim Jong-un said, “We should do our best and the international society should cooperate. Finally, I think that this summit is meaningful because it ensured that our two leaders are cooperating together for a very important goal, the summit between North Korea and USA,”

As the summit between North Korea and USA and the end of Korean War has been given a clear shape. China is starting to proclaim that China is being excluded. It’s worrisome to think about how China will act if the end of the war comes to pass China has been proclaiming this since the Panmunjeom declaration was made. Chinese president Xi Jinping emphasized about China’s role in this problem in two summits between North Korea and China. Now, he is proclaiming in public using official news agencies. One official news agency in China said that excluding China from a problem of peace between North and South Korea will help nothing in constructing peace in the Korean Peninsula constantly. About this, one government official of South Korea announced that the government thinks that three countries excluding China should end the war and China will be able to participate in the process of discussing the peace treaty.

2018,05,30 Jang Ho-yeon


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