Children Day대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-09 16:51:17
  • 수정 2018-06-09 16:51:41

Children's Day'

In Korea, May is usually called the "holiday month" because there are many various holidays. There is also a special day on May 5th. It is a day called Children's Day. It is one of the happiest days in Korea.

This day was made in 1923 by Bang Junghwan who thought children were valuable. Since Korea was a Japanese area at that time, children couldn't behave as children. So Bang Junghwan made children day to create an environment where children could play around and give them a dream, however, the harsh reality was..

At first, the date and events were different. The date was May 1st, and the event was the type that put out hundreds of thousands of posters in each house. After the first event, children day became bigger and bigger and developed into a nationwide event. Unfortunately, A Japanese imperialism prohibited children day, that event could't be held until the independence of Korea. One year after Liberation, children day was held again proudly. As such, today's children day has been made with a long history.

What events happen on children day in recent years? There are various festivals like Fairy Tale festival, Cultural Festival and the opportunity help sick to unfortunate children. What are you going to do on children day with your family?


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