Sports Day of Our Newly Established School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-07 18:47:18

▲ ▲my school

Many people would think Sports Day is a little familiar event. However, my school's Sports Day is special. My school is only three years old. This year, it will be our third Sports Day, so it is more special than usual. The event was held at the schoolyard, and the whole students participated in the event. There will be a group dance contest.

Yumin Lee, one of the students of my school revealed that he likes the Sports Day because he can develop cooperative skills with my friends, and he will become more familiar with friends because he was worried about the dance. Moreover, another student mentions that she could not dance well, and she did not like moving. However, after participating in this event, she gained confidence.

In the Sports Day, students play several sports with teams such as dodgeball, soccer, and race. Finally, the Group Dance Contest is started. Before the Sports Day, the class had much time to practice their dance. They danced at the stage. The cooperation and not committing mistakes during the performance are the most important. The teacher can participate in this event if the teacher wants. If the teacher dances, a point is added. Also, if the team dances and cooperates well, they win the prize.

During the Sports Day in school, students can be united and can cooperate with friends. Although our school is only three years old, they try to think many ideas to make that day happy.


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