Appeal Court Reduces Accomplice‘s Life Sentence대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-07 18:17:49

The Seoul High Court, a court of appeal for the murder of an elementary school student in Incheon on April 30, sentenced Park, an accomplice, to 13 years in prison. Public opinion surged as Park was sentenced to 13 years in prison, which was greatly reduced from the first sentence in life imprisonment, and the presidential homepage was inundated with public petitions and suggestions. On May 30 alone, 39 petitions were filed, and 11 were posted the following day on May 1. They said that the victims of the bereaved family, who are still in pain, and the victims who died without seeing them properly. They give the accused the highest penalty in court who cannot reflect on it. Are they minors? They are just a devil. After 20 years, people are afraid that they will come out and live happily ever after 13 years.

▲ Presidental homepage was inundated with public petitons and suggestions.

In March 2017, Kim lured the girl into her place from a nearby park in Incheon, telling her that she would let her use her phone as the girl was trying to call her mother. She strangled her to death in her home and hid the body on the apartment's rooftop.

▲ Last year March 29th, Kim abducted Elementary school girl and hid the body on the rooftop.

The Seoul High Court sentenced Kim to a maximum court sentence, but Park was sentenced to 13 years in prison, which was reduced from a prison sentence. Kim was 16 when she committed the crime and was sentenced to 20 years in prison for being subject to the juvenile law.

▲ The appeals court said that Park did not participate in the murder case and assisted the murder.

The first trial court applied murder charges to both Kim and Park, but the appeals court said that Park did not participate in the murder case and assisted the murder. Kim's statement, which she claimed was Park ordered to kill people, lacked credibility. Court of appeal said that Park only responded to Kim's, although she stated that she had created a cruel character for her and forced her to commit the crime using brutality. The case made headlines for the brutality of the murder, and the young defendants' anti-social attitudes toward the crimes they committed. Kim's lawyer has insisted the defendant suffered from Asperger's syndrome, a type of autism, and multiple personality disorder, which the court refused to acknowledge.

May 20th, by 표승희


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