Writing Standards about Government Designated Text Books대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-07 17:58:30

▲ Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation

On May 2nd, 2018, the Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation made the public announcement revealing the curriculum and guidelines for history according to the 2015 curriculum revision. They made the writing Standards simple and comprehensive on the side of history. Besides that, they made a new procedure of using the student's curriculum.

▲ Korean History Text book

At first, the government's is changed in history textbooks from liberal democracy to democracy to democracy without the liberal part it is because other subjects all have democratic aspects like laws, governments, and social cultures, etc. Almost, it is to differentiate South Korea from North Korea. Second, the Korea War is described as a southward invasion by North Korea. Furthermore, they set the founding of the interim government in Shanghai was changed to Wen the Korean government was established. However, there is also a controversy about restating to the legal government in the Korean peninsula. It means that South Korea is strongly operated by the constitution.

▲ Korean History Text book

Like those things, they have decreased the writing standard for simple and comprehensive writing to about 1/5, too. The Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation makes the curriculum of history for middle school and high school. Now, the students would learn about world history and Korean history. However, this reversion makes it so that middle school students would learn world history by teaching it and then they start teaching the Korean history because Korean history is important for the scholastic ability test.

▲ Korean History Text book

Moon Jae In eliminated government designed textbook that was made by the previous president, Park Geun Hye however, people think that the textbook that is used today is not appropriate for studying. So, they chose the standard and it will be announced in the final revision in the first half of the year by changing the procedure of the study. It will be used in the 2020 textbook by the students and in the middle school and high school student.

May 19th, 2018. By Kim Seo Hyeon


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