Ukok Middle School‘s Events대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-07 17:53:08

Have you heard about school events?

Many schools around the world have their own school events. So, they have their representative school events. One of the middle schools in Ulasn, Ukok Middle School, has two representative school events. Those are Ikok Dream Festival and Ukok Popsong contest.

▲ the picture of Ukok Dream Festival

Ukok Middle School is in Ulsan, South Korea. It was built in 2003. There are about 764 students in this school. They like Ukok Dream Festival. Ukok Dream Festival is one of the representative events of Ukok Middle School. In one to four class, they go around the school, and they go to another class. They can buy food or many items with money. So, many students decorate their class one week before it. Then, five to seven class does a concert. Many students who pass the audition sing songs, dance, or do magic. It is the most enjoyable and biggest event in the school.

The second representative school event is Ukok Popsong contest. It started in 2017. At that time, many students asked what it is, but they thought it would be enjoyable. Last week, one of my friends said that he excited about this year's pop song contest. Last year, it was really enjoyable. Many students wait for these two school events.

▲ started the Ukok Dream Festival

Ukok Dream Festival and Ukok Popsong Contest are the most famous school events in Ukok Middle School. Many students wait for these events. The principle of Ukok Middle School is to enjoy the school events. That is why these two events are famous in school.


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